Monday, 19 June 2017

Components of Testing Masters 5.0 Selenium Framework

Components Of Testing Masters Framework:

The following are the components of the TestingMasters selenium hybrid driven framework.
1.      FrameworkLibrary -- Framework Specific
a)      Excel Library
b)      WebLibrary
2.      ObjectRepository -- Project Specific
a)      Pg_Login
b)      Pg_Home
c)      Pg_EmgergencyContacts etc…
3.      TestScript Definitions -- Project Specific
a)      TC101_AddEmergencyContactsAndVerify
b)      TC102_AddDependenciesAndVerify etc..
4.      UserLibrary -- Project Specific
5.      RunManager -- Project Specific
a)      Execution Controller
b)      TestData
6.      Jar Files-- Framework Specific
7.      BrowserServers-- Framework Specific
8.      Results-- Project Specific[Auto Generated]
9.      testng.xml -- Framework Specific
10.  Trigger.bat file  -- Framework Specific


o   This contains the reusable methods for working with excel sheets,Report generation, working with Web Pages etc.
o   This is generally a framework specific folder.
o   The methods or classes in this folder can be used while writing testcase definitions.
o   These are specified in frameworklibrary package.

            Excel Library:

o   In this library all the methods that re required for the interactions with the excel sheets are specified.
o   These methods can be used while developing a testcase for reading and writing the data to excel.
o   The following are the sample methods in WebLibrary
1)      getdata
2)      putdata
o   The methods in this library are generic,framework specific and can be useful in writing  the testcases.


o   In this library all the methods that re required for the interactions with the webpage are specified.
o   These methods can be used while developing a testcase for performing operations on the webelements.
o   The following are the sample methods in WebLibrary
1)      setText
2)      clickElement
3)      Exist
o   The methods in this library are generic,framework specific and can be useful in writing the testcase.


o   This contains all the element descriptions in the page wise.
o   A class is created for every page and each webelement  is described as variables.
o   This is generally a Project specific folder.

3.TestCase Definitions:

o   In this, we will define the actual testscripts code.
o   We will create a method for every testcase,inside TestScriptDefinitionspackage.
o   The testcase name should be same in RunManager,TestData Sheeet,className in TestingMasters.OrangeHRM.Module package.
o   While writing the testcases, we will use the necessary methods which are already defined in weblibrary and userlibrary classes.
o   This is a project specific folder


o   In this library, the Test Engineer can add methods for the reusable steps across the testcases.
o   Before/After writing the testcases, TestEngineer will check for the reusability components in the testcase.
o   Will check if the method is already existing for this functionality.
o   If existing, TestEngineer can use that method in the testcase.
o   Else,TE can add a method to the user library.
o   The methods in this library are generic,framework specific and can be useful in writing the testcase.


5.Run Manager:

o   In RunManager, we have two sheets
a)      Execution Controller
b)      TestData

               5.a)Execution Controller:

o   This is an excel file in which all the testcase information is stored along with execution flag
o   The following is the template of the Run Manager file
o   Here the testengineer can select the testcases that are to be executed in the current Run.
o   For the testscript development, the first task will be to mention the testcase in the     runmanager.xls file.
o   This is a project specific file

             5.b)Test Data:

o   In this folder we have to specify the testdata that is required for the execution of the testcase
o   The TestData is stored against the testcasenames in these files
o   The following is the template of specifying the testdata
o   The Testdata is stored in the format of FieldName:=TestData for that field
                                                        i.            UserName:=user02
                                                      ii.            Name:=Srinivas
      o   This is a Project specific file.


o   In This Folder all the required jar files for the framework are placed.
o   These jar fields includes POI,Selenium,Extent Report files.
o   For setting a project, first we need to add these jar files to the project in the eclipse.
o   This is framework specific component.


o   In this folder all the browser servers required for execution of multiple browsers are placed.
o   This mainly contains Chrome,IE Driver servers.
o    This is framework specific component.


o   In this folder, results will be generated for every run.
o   For every run,a folder is created with a date and time stamp.
o   Inside the folder the respective screenshots and results summary.html is stored.
o   This will be a project specific folder


o   This file is used to trigger the executions of the testcases from eclipse.
o   In this the references of the listner classes,libraries and testscript definitions are provided.
o   This is framework specific file


o   This file is used to trigger the executions of the testcases from windows explorer.
o   Trigger.bat file will inturn invokes the testng.xml
o   testng.xml will Takecare of the furthur executions.
o   This is framework specific file

Testing Masters Framework  Download Link:

 This click on this link to download the testing masters V5.0 selenium framework.

Testing Masters Framework Overview Video:


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