Tuesday, 13 March 2018

How To Handle Webtable By Using Selenium WebDriver

                                How to Handle WebTable By Using Selenium WebDriver

Sample Site : http://www.testingmasters.com/hrm/
UserName   : user01
Password     : pass1234

Selenium WebDriver Code ::

WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();

// #launching HRM LoginPage

// # Enter UserName

// # Enter Password


// # Click on Login Button


// # Select Leave Tab

// # Select My Leave Tab

// Identifying  All Rows, All Columns Data And Size In My Leave table

List<WebElement> WebTable=driver.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
int countofrows=WebTable.size();

System.out.println(" number of rows "+countofrows);

for(int i=0;i<=countofrows-1;i++)

System.out.println(" all rows data text "+WebTable.get(i).getText());

List<WebElement> allcolumns=driver.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
int countofcolumns=WebTable.size();
System.out.println(" all columns in webtable "+countofcolumns);

for(int j=0;j<=countofcolumns-1;j++)
System.out.println(" Text of columns "+WebTable.get(j).getText());



Monday, 12 March 2018

Jenkins Integration

                                                Jenkins  Configuration

Continuous integration:
1)   Continuous integration is a process in which all development work is integrated as early as possible. The resulting artifacts are automatically
2)   created and tested. This process should identify errors as very early in the process.
3)   Jenkins  is one open source tool to perform continuous integration and build automation. The basic functionality of Jenkins  is to execute a defined
4)   list of test cases. The trigger for this execution can be time. For example, every 6 hours or at specified day and time.

1) Installation of Jenkins :
1)   Download the Jenkins .war file
2)   Navigate to below link and download latest Jenkins  war file.


3)   Open command prompt and use below command to start Jenkins

4)   By default Jenkins  will be launched in 8080 port.
a.      So, use this link http://localhost:8080/ in browser to work on  Jenkins
5)   for the first time, it asks for the secured password and registration.

6)   Copy the Admin password and enter the password like below shown in the image and Click on continue.

1)      You can get the initial admin password from the above mentioned path of your disk.
2)   Install all the Plugins specified. Click on "Select plugins to install"

1)    Select the "All" and click Install


2)    This Plugins installation will take around 10-15minutes.
3)    Once the plugins are installed, it will redirect to the following page.

4)    Provide the required details, Take a note of the details used and click on Save , Finish.
5)      Click on Start using Jenkins .       


2) Creating Project In Jenkins :
     1) Login with the registered details.
            URL: http://localhost:8080/
     2) Click on New Item

    3) Provide Project name and click on Freestyle Project>>OK

   4) The following are the major sections in the project
            4.1 General
            4.2 Build
            4.3 Build Triggers
            4.4 Post-build Actions

3) Build:
    3.1 Click on Add Build Step and select "Execute Window Batch Command"

    3.2 In the command section,

         specify the Bat file trigger path, Click on Apply And Save

    3.3 Click on Build Now, and the results can be viewed in the build history

    3.4 If the build is passed, the color will be blue else it will be in red color.

   3.5 Click on the build number and select console output to see the result.

4) Build Triggers:
    4.1 In the Build triggers section select Build Periodically for scheduling the  
    4.2 Here We have to provide cron patterns.
    4.3 Specify the respective cron patters, click on save and apply.

    4.4 Cron Patterns to schedule Execution:


5) Executing Project From Jenkins
·        Create a bat file for the selected project and place in the project location.

Bat File:
·        A batch file is a kind of text file, in which we will specify the commands that we use in command prompt.
·        When this file is trigerred, The commands inside the file will get executed one by one sequentially.
·        Bat Files can be useful to configure the project with Jenkins .
·        Bat file code for normal java class.
            javac Class1.java
            java Class1

·        Bat file code for Eclipse java project.
            set classpath=lib\*;src;
            javac src\pc1\Class1.java
            java pc1.Class1    

·        1) Login with the registered details.
·        2) URL: http://localhost:8080/
·        3) Add New Freestyle Project
·        4) Add Build Step and specify bat file path
·        5) Add Build Trigger if required
·        6) Add Post Build Action if required.
·        7) Click on Save
·        8) Click on Build Now.
·        9) On Execution, the email will be sent to the specified recipients.

The following are the sample projects which can be used.
Java Class:
Java Project:
TMasters Framework:

6) Git to Jenkins  Integration with Maven Project:

1)    Navigate  to our GitHub Repository and select the our repository project URL.
My URL is: "https://github.com/VeeraMohanSelenium/Testing"

2)    Login with the registered details.
3)    URL: http://localhost:8080/
4)    Click on New Item

5)    Enter The Job Name(Project Name) and click on maven project then clock on ok button.

6)    Navigate to Source code Management and click on Git Radio button.

7)    Enter the GitHub Repository URL into Repository URL of Jenkins  Textbox and click on Add button

8)    Click on Jenkins  under Add button.

 9)    Enter the valid admin UserName and Password and click on Add button.

10)           Navigate to Build and enter the maven execution commends

11)           Clock on Apply and Save Buttons.

12)           Click on Build Now.